Types of Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance is crucial to protect your business. However, understanding which policies best suit your needs can be challenging. At All-Tex Insurance in Granbury, TX, we offer commercial insurance tailored to meet your business needs.

Commercial Property Insurance

You’ll need commercial property insurance if your business owns or operates physical premises such as stores, offices, warehouses, or manufacturing centers. This type of insurance protects the physical structure of your building and its contents, which is vital if you own expensive business equipment or keep inventory on-site.

General Liability Insurance 

General liability insurance helps cover expenses related to customer injuries on your business property. For instance, if a customer slips and falls in your store, this policy would cover their medical expenses and lost wages. It also covers damage to visitors’ property that may occur on your premises.

Professional and Product Liability 

You may also need professional or product liability coverage, depending on your industry. Professional liability insurance protects you from damages due to a mistake made while providing a service. If your business produces goods, product liability will cover damages caused by a faulty product.

Business Interruption Insurance 

Business interruption insurance is critical, especially for small businesses. If your business has to shut down temporarily due to repairs or other unforeseen events, business interruption insurance will cover your losses until you can resume operations.

Commercial Auto Insurance

If your business involves using a vehicle—whether for transporting goods, customers, or equipment—you need commercial auto insurance. This policy type covers your employees, provided they are legally permitted to drive and use the company vehicles.

Commercial Insurance at All-Tex Insurance

If your business in Granbury, TX, requires commercial insurance, contact us at All-Tex Insurance. Our friendly agents are ready to understand your situation and help you select the best policies for your unique needs.