Do you Need Umbrella Insurance for Your Home?

Many Granbury, TX, homeowners don’t need more than a regular home insurance policy. However, it’s never wise to assume you’re all set because you have basic coverage. Your assets, career, and other factors may require that you purchase umbrella insurance for your home. Umbrella insurance doesn’t take the place of a home insurance policy; rather, it adds to it to ensure you’re fully covered no matter what happens.

Signs You Need Umbrella Insurance for Your Home

Is your home worth a lot of money? If so, you may want umbrella coverage to provide compensation if your home is destroyed and needs to be completely rebuilt. Surprisingly, over 60% of homes in the United States are underinsured, which means that homeowners wouldn’t be able to replace a house in the event of an unfortunate incident.

Do you have large events at home or host regular parties? If so, your homeowner’s insurance liability coverage may not provide enough compensation if one or more guests are injured. Slippery stairs, insufficient lighting, or even a falling tree may result in a lawsuit you cannot handle without extra liability coverage from an umbrella insurance policy. 

Do you own valuable assets that you store at home? If so, your homeowner’s insurance policy will likely only replace a portion of their value. You’ll need extra compensation to cover the full value of expensive items such as jewelry, art, antiques, and heirlooms. 

Great Insurance Options from All-Tex Insurance

All-Tex Insurance specializes in meeting the insurance needs of Granbury, TX homeowners. Whether you’re looking for an umbrella insurance policy to augment your existing homeowner’s insurance or you need both home and umbrella insurance, contact us at your convenience to learn more about your options.