What is “forced-place” insurance?

With increasing home insurance rates in Granbury, TX, and across the country, more homeowners struggle to keep up with home insurance payments. While payments are often made via escrow, home insurance premiums may fall behind if they are paid directly, and policies may lapse. This is a serious problem for homeowners with mortgages, as loan agreements generally require mortgage holders to maintain coverage. This could be why you may be hearing the term "forced place insurance" more often. If you have received a notice regarding forced place insurance, we invite you to reach out to us at All-Tex Insurance.

What is Forced Place Insurance?

If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender likely requires you to carry homeowners insurance to cover your and their investment. Should that policy lapse due to non-payment, the lender can "force-place" insurance on your home, requiring you to pay for it. The problem is that this type of insurance is very expensive, may not cover your equity, and pays the financial institution.

If you are struggling to keep up with your home insurance payments on your Granbury, TX, area home, we encourage you to reach out to us at All-Tex Insurance before seeing your coverage lapse.

How We Can Help

All-Tex Insurance can help you find a more affordable provider, increase your deductible, or even find minimal coverage to satisfy the requirements of your loan agreement. We can also prevent your home from being burdened with force-place insurance.

Contact us today for a home insurance review and price quote. We can help you find alternatives that will allow you to maintain coverage and control of your homeowner’s insurance policy.

When Should You Update Your Home Insurance Policy?

The Necessity of Regular Home Insurance Updates

Maintaining an up-to-date home insurance policy is crucial. If you are a homeowner in Granbury, TX, All-Tex Insurance is here to ensure that your home insurance policy fulfills your requirements. Collaborating with one of our agents can help you modify your existing policy, opt for a new one, or make necessary coverage adjustments that enhance your surety and peace of mind.

Reviewing and updating your insurance policy at least once a year is advisable to ensure it continues to meet your needs. During this period, we can assist you with any modifications, answer your questions, or even get you additional quotes to see if changing your policy would be more beneficial for your circumstances. However, you do not have to wait for a year if you wish to review things earlier or if you have updates to be made – we are always at your service.

Major changes to your home, such as renovations or additions, could necessitate increased or adjusted coverage. You do not want to encounter unexpected issues if you have to make a claim. Luckily, multiple excellent options are available. When you choose us for your home insurance needs, we provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Contact us today at All-Tex Insurance if you are in the Granbury, TX area and are considering updating your home insurance policy. We aim to provide great policy options, ensuring you feel confident about the level and form of protection you have for your home.

Things You May Not Know are Covered by Home Insurance

You probably know that your home insurance covers the structure of your home and your personal belongings. However, some things that are covered may surprise you. At All-Tex Insurance in Granbury, TX, we offer homeowner’s insurance.  

Objects Falling From the Sky

Your homeowner’s policy covers objects that may fall out of the sky and damage your home. This includes meteorites, space and satellite debris, and airplanes. While these are rare occurrences, it’s good to know you are covered if it does happen. 

Living Expenses 

If you cannot live in your home because it’s been damaged, your living expenses can add up quickly. Paying for your mortgage and accommodation can be very difficult. 

The good news is that your homeowner’s policy will cover your living expenses until you can move back into your home. This includes rent or hotel costs, food, and transportation. 

Spoiled Food 

You probably don’t give much thought to the food in your fridge, but if you need to restock it, you’ll realize it can be costly. If your food spoils due to a power outage, fire, or weather related event, your homeowner’s policy will cover the costs of restocking your fridge. 

Identity Theft

In 2021, 9% of the population was a victim of identity theft. Identity theft costs can include stolen money, loans taken out in your name, and purchases paid for from your bank account. In addition, you may have legal fees associated with the theft. 

Your homeowner’s policy may cover these costs so that you can have peace of mind. 

Home Insurance with All-Tex Insurance

If you need homeowner’s insurance in DFW or Granbury, TX, contact us at All-Tex Insurance. Our agents are waiting to help you choose the coverage that meets your needs. 

When should you review your home insurance coverage?

When you own a home, you have a lot to worry about. You’ll have less to worry about when you have the right home insurance. At All-Tex Insurance in Granbury, TX, we are all about reducing homeowners’ worry, and we will work with you to ensure that you have the perfect home insurance for your home and your budget. 

When you renew

Home insurance is not a one-and-done kind of insurance. Things change, and reviewing your policy every year when it is time to renew can keep you updated on coverage. The front page of your policy is the declaration page, a synopsis of your coverage. Look the figures over carefully to ensure you have the coverage you need. Think about any areas that may be under-covered and check your deductibles and possible credits. Doing this review is essential to ensure your coverage is up-to-date. 

When you add things that increase your liability

There are things that you add to your home that increase your liability risk. This includes a pool, a trampoline, and a dog. Some dog breeds are considered so much of a liability that your home insurance does not cover them. 

You add safety equipment

You may be eligible for reductions in your premium when you add a home security system, a hardwired fire alarm system, and other safety equipment. Always let your insurance carrier know when you make any changes. 

When you get expensive jewelry

Check your policy for jewelry coverage and ensure you have an additional rider if you have more than a minimal amount of jewelry. 

When you need home insurance advice or coverage, our agents at All-Tex Insurance in Granbury, TX, are here to provide the services you need. Give our office a call today. 

Navigating Storm Season with the Right Home Insurance Coverage

When storm season arrives, Granbury, TX homeowners must make sure that they are properly prepared for what is about to come their way. Thanks to the experienced team at All-Tex Insurance, this process is a snap. Of course, it can be tough to find the right insurance coverage policy that provides you with the necessary peace of mind during storm season.

Here are a few of the questions that must be asked during your consultation meeting:

Is Enough Coverage Being Purchased?

This is the first and most crucial question that needs to be asked. Before making any final decisions, it is in the best interests of a homeowner to look over the policy with a professional insurance agent. Our team will let you know if your policy limits are sufficient. Have recent improvements been made to the home? Any add-ons that need to be discussed? These are all key areas of discussion.

Is Flood Insurance Required?

While Texas does not have any specific laws in place that require homeowners to purchase a flood insurance policy, mortgage lenders are typically a bit more stringent. If you are someone who resides in an area that is a high flood risk, you may be required to purchase a policy.

How Do I Remain Proactive?

During storm season, it is always better to remain proactive. Our insurance agents are more than happy to put together a plan that can be enacted as soon as a storm takes place. This allows you to remain protected before the storm hits so that any and all information that is needed is provided ahead of time. When disaster strikes, the last thing that you will want to do is play catch up.

Consult With Us

At All-Tex Insurance, we pride ourselves on providing Granbury, TX homeowners with all of the help that they need. To find out more about the many ways that we can assist you, please be sure to give us a call or stop by as soon as possible.

Three Things Not Typically Covered By Home Insurance

Whether you already own a home in Granbury, TX, or are looking to break into the market, there are a lot of things you need to know, and many of them revolve around home insurance. Do you have to have it? What does it cover? What doesn’t it cover?

These are important questions, and to help answer them, All-Tex Insurance has a quick guide for you. As you learn about things that are not typically covered, remember that every policy is unique, and you have to review your specific policy to be certain of any coverage inclusions or limitations.

Home Insurance Exclusions


Flooding and water damage are typically not covered by home insurance. This is why separate flood insurance exists, and it means that a normal home policy will not cover any amount of water damage from flooding.

Keep in mind that this applies to natural sources of water. If a pipe bursts and causes damage that way, many home policies will offer some level of coverage.


Termites, cockroaches, other insects, and even rodents are potential sources of damage and problems that are not usually included in home insurance coverage. The gist is that the homeowner is responsible for controlling pests and therefore responsible for pest-related damage.

Wear and Tear

General wear and tear are also not typically covered. If the house needs a paint job, you’re usually on your own for that. The same applies to all levels of maintenance. You are the homeowner, and thus, you are typically responsible for taking care of the home.

One exception to this might be roofing. Many insurance policies will help cover the cost of a roof replacement if it becomes necessary (like everything else this varies from one policy to the next).

We Are Here To Help!

That should provide you with a better idea of what you can expect from a home insurance policy. But since every policy is unique, it’s always best to talk with an insurance agent to understand exactly what you have and what else is available. For that, you can always contact All-Tex Insurance, serving Granbury, TX.

5 Ways To Protect Your Home From Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most common types of insurance claims on a homeowner’s insurance policy. Knowing how to effectively protect your home from water damage is important information. At All-Tex Insurance, serving the greater Granbury, TX community, and the surrounding areas, we are here to help homeowners learn different types of ways to protect their homes.

Here are some ways to protect your home from water damage:

Winterize Your Pipes

One big cause of water damage is busted pipes in the winter. You can decrease the chances of this happening by winterizing your pipes before cold weather hits. Your pipes should be properly insulated under your home. This is especially important for pipes that are near exterior walls. You should also invest in outdoor faucet covers. 

Fix Leaks Fast

Another common reason for water damage is allowing leaks to go unrepaired. A leak will not go away on its own. Any moisture accumulation will only get worse over time. Have leaks fixed quickly. 

Poor Outdoor Drainage

You need to make sure that water coming off your home during rain is properly diverted away from your foundation through the use of gutters. 

Water Accumulation on Property

If you notice that water accumulates in certain areas of your property after heavy storms, you need to talk with landscape professionals to find solutions for this. Accumulated water will eventually erode soil and make more pathways toward your home. This can cause flooding in basements and eventually cause water damage. 

Outdated Appliances 

Another big cause of water damage in the home is outdated appliances. Outdated appliances will often spring small leaks that can go undetected for some time. This can cause water damage. Update your appliances to avoid this. 

Get The Best Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

If you would like to learn more about homeowner’s insurance and how to protect your home in Texas, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at All-Tex Insurance serving Granbury, TX, and the surrounding areas. 

Updating Your Home Policy After Renovations

At All-Tex Insurance, we know that when you purchase an insurance policy, especially a home policy, you expect it to cover everything forever. We make it easier to protect your Granbury, TX home with home insurance that provides the necessary coverage.

Renovations & Home Policy Updates

Your home policy provides protection for your home, but each policy includes policy limits. These limits come from the value of your home when you purchased it. During the purchasing process, the home undergoes an appraisal that sets its value. If you do anything to amend its value, you also need to amend the insurance policy to cover the improvements.

What do we mean?

If you remodel or renovate your home, you increase its value. Your insurance policy set the coverage limits according to the original home value. If something happens to your home, your coverage only provides the value up to the policy limits, which equals the purchase price, or the current home value as based on the purchase price.

Your renovations added value to the home. If you resold it before the event occurred that caused you to need to make a claim, you would have received a purchase price greater than the one you paid for it.

Let’s say you added a new metal roof and re-did the kitchen. You’d recoup 80 to 90 percent of the expenses for doing so when you re-sold the home.

So, when you remodel or renovate, you need to contact your insurance agent to update your policy. They may ask for a virtual tour of your home using Zoom or GoToMeeting.

Give Us A Call

Contact All-Tex Insurance serving the greater Granbury, TX community for more information or to apprise your insurance agent of your plans to renovate your home.

Do You Need Extra Homeowners Insurance For Valuable Items? How To Decide

When you’re choosing a homeowner’s insurance policy, it can be hard to figure out what level of coverage makes the most sense for your needs. If you own valuable items that you store inside your home, it may make sense to take out additional coverage. Here, we’ll explore how to decide whether you need extra coverage for your valuables. 

Get An Appraisal

It can be tough to know how much your valuables are worth, especially when items have sentimental value. Having your valuables appraised can help you decide whether you need a larger homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure that your valuables are protected. 

Consider Crime Rates

Learn more about the crime rate in your area to discover how likely it is that your home could be broken into. If your neighborhood has a high rate of break-ins, you may want to consider taking out a larger policy to ensure that your valuables are fully protected. 

Read Your Current Insurance Policy

If your current homeowner’s insurance policy already provides enough protection for what you own, there’s no reason to take out a new policy. Talk with an insurance agent about the level of coverage you have currently, and discuss whether it makes sense to upgrade. If you purchase or acquire a pricey item, talk with your insurance agent about whether your new item requires additional coverage. 

Need Homeowner’s Insurance? All-Tex Can Help. 

All-Tex Insurance, serving Granbury, TX, can help you choose the right homeowner’s insurance policy for your needs. Reach out or stop in today to chat with an agent about how to ensure that your belongings and your home are protected. 

Three Interesting Facts About Home Insurance

At All-Tex Insurance, we help Granbury, TX, residents take care of their insurance needs. And we can provide you with excellent home insurance that minimizes your financial damage. Read on to understand three essential and interesting facts about your policy. 

Fact 1: Home Maintenance Helps Minimize Claims 

While your insurance does not cover regular day-to-day maintenance, they may end up giving you some bonuses if you keep your home maintained. That’s because they know that you are taking care of your house and doing what you can to minimize any serious issue. 

Fact 2: Dogs May Cause Home Insurance Issues 

Home insurance companies may have a hard time providing policies to dog owners. Some might even exclude many large dogs, like an Akita, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, or German Shepherd. Why? These dogs are big, often cause a lot of damage, and may not be suitable for a home that needs a lot of insurance. 

Fact 3: Sometimes, It Is Better Not to Make a Claim 

This fact may be hard for some people to accept. Why wouldn’t you want to make a claim on home damage? Too many claims in a short period may end up affecting your insurance rate. That’s why it is usually best to make one big claim for repairs and to cover the costs of more minor issues. Doing so can save you money on your premiums.

Understanding Your Policy Options 

If you think you need help with home insurance and want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you, it is wise to call us at All-Tex Insurance. We cover the Granbury, TX, area and can provide you with the high-quality coverage needed to keep your home safe from damage. We look forward to working with you!